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2024-06-07来源:网络阅读: 1493

李小艳:性别:女 出生于一九六八年十一月 籍贯:四川省绵阳市梓潼县个人简历:2015年任职上古堂中医医学研究院常务院长、地球唯一村庄全国大型环保公益活动组委会副秘书长、中国东方文化研究会姓氏委员会副会长、绵阳市乡村振兴促进会副会长、四川省绵阳市中医文化促进会会长、2018年—2022年在通辽市开鲁县伊和塔拉镇伊和塔拉卫生院工作学习,深造蒙医蒙药的理论体系和实践经验,同时下决心为少数民族的医药事业的传承和弘扬做出卓越贡献。自我评价:本人综合能力强,性格开朗,为人乐观上进,语言表达能力及适应能力强,喜欢不断学习,经常自我反省,突破自我。具有处理突发事件的能力,时刻保持积极利他的心态,对工作认真负责,具有优良的全局观念,团队合作精神和高度的责任感,家庭历史清白,无任何违法乱纪行为,未参加过任何邪教组织。

Li Xiaoyan: Gender: female Born in November 1968 Native Place: Zitong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province Resume: In 2015, he served as Executive Director of Shanggu Tang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Deputy Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of the National large-scale environmental public welfare activities of the Only village on Earth, Vice President of the Surname Committee of China Oriental Culture Research Association, Vice President of Mianyang Rural Revitalization Promotion Association, President of Mianyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Promotion Association, and from 2018 to 2022, He worked in Yi and Tala Town, Kailu County, Tongliao City Work and study in La Health Center, further study the theoretical system and practical experience of Mongolian medicine and Mongolian medicine, and make outstanding contributions to the inheritance and promotion of the medical industry of ethnic minorities. Self-evaluation: I have strong comprehensive ability, cheerful personality, optimistic and motivated person, strong language expression ability and adaptability, like continuous learning, often self-reflection and self-breakthrough. Have the ability to deal with emergencies, always maintain a positive altruistic attitude, serious and responsible for work, have a good overall concept, team spirit and high sense of responsibility, family history is clean, no illegal and disorderly behavior, did not participate in any cult organization.


"Great medical sincerity" is the core value concept of traditional Chinese medicine culture, which embodies the profound philosophical thoughts, noble moral sentiments and excellent civilization wisdom of the Chinese nation in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously promote the core values of traditional Chinese medicine culture, firmly establish the concept of "sincerity of big doctors", practice the medical and health professional spirit of the new era of benevolence, respect for life and excellence, adhere to the "people-oriented", take the sufferings of the masses in mind, treat patients as relatives, and carry forward the humanitarian spirit of saving lives and helping the wounded.


Chinese medicine embodies a lofty humanistic spirit, taking the harmonious coexistence of man and nature as the starting point, and establishing a comprehensive, systematic, developing and changing code of conduct that respects the laws of nature. Presented a kind of vigorous, thriving magnificent landscape. It also reproduces the totem culture scene of the Chinese civilization, which is continuous, changing with each passing day. It is a generation of Chinese people not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, hard work, pioneering, conscientious scientific attitude and indomitable spirit of struggle style show.

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